credits to zhenwz
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credits to zhenwz
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5月30日 :
2pm - Selayang Mall, Kuala Lumpur
8pm - Mahkota Parade, Melaka
5月31日 :
5pm - Sungei Wang
海螺音乐继《逆风18》后,将在6月底开拍第二部本地偶像剧《高校铁金刚》,由旗下艺人林宇中、陈泽耀及郭晓东演出,并于11月透过Astro AEC播出。故事讲述另类老师(林宇中饰)为了要教好两个学生(郭晓东及陈泽耀饰),他用尽非一般方法与他们大斗法。
剧中也有一女老师与女学生的角色,可是仍未找到适合的演出人选,制作单位决定透过试镜活动筛选。对于心中想要合作的对象,林宇中咿唔了很久,才说希望对方在扮演老师时,她是纯情的;私下,她是辣妹。问到吻戏对象,他又咿唔了很久,“不知道咧……童冰玉吧。 ”他和童冰玉目前在拍着《稽查专用》,在戏里是情侣。他说:“我们还没拍到吻戏,因为拍这部戏有了默契,吻的时候不会尴尬。”
“我是第一次拍电视剧,角色个性是活泼、冲动的班长,班长就是‘老大’,所以动作会很粗鲁,这很有难度,因为我本身是斯文的。”至于大师兄林宇中,他表示大家很少见面,没法交流。 女演员试镜活动月杪举行
This is a new, young idol drama includes various elements from Malaysia, Thailand and Taiwan. Malaysian script writer, a leading male role from Thailand and with Taiwan locations and scenes, also in corporation with the effort of experienced Taiwan production group. The are a few levels of meaning beneath the storyline, and will be flourished with elements from different culture background and different points of view in life and relationship.
The main plot will take place in Taipei, Taiwan. Story about an America born Chinese young guy, Joshua with the age of 18, bringing a deep memory of his mom with him, stepping into Taipei, a place where he is not familiar with and starts his winter holiday with his grandmother whom he has not met before.
In Taipei, he started to develop friendship with Ah Zhe and Xiao Shan. The 3 young friends look into each own view of life, passing through happiness, conflict, understanding and sadness, and finally treasure their relationship through the way. Walking through the growing up period hand in hand, they become brave to fight for their choice of love, able to face their daily problem in life and also entering different stages finding out more about their own self internally.
The winter make the young guy, Joshua understand more about his grandma, and gradually breaking the barrier of language. However, doubt of life occurred when Joshua passed through the entire winter, and he has encountered a choice of life: Is US or Taiwan his real home? Is grandma a stubborn lonely old lady or a pleasant lovely old lady? Can money solve all the problem? Among the girl friend in US in model line and the new friend in Taiwan, whom he loves most? How is his first winter with new relationship and new feel of love? Will Taipei change his life? This will be clearly seen through the story, mainly a self development path of 3 young idols.